Economic warfare is being fought with an intensity not seen since the period leading up to World War II as countries deploy tariffs, embargoes and economic sanctions to force policy changes or punish their adversaries. …
Tonga, a nation of 170 islands and just over 100,000 people, is carrying a heavier Chinese debt burden than any other nation except Djibouti, the strategic port at the mouth of the Red Sea. Official …
The Wall Street Journal ran an article last week saying pessimistic investors were ‘short-selling’ the Australian dollar in anticipation of a disappointing outcome of the weekend’s G20 meeting. ‘Some money managers are bracing for a …
The World Trade Organization is heading towards an end-of-year train wreck. Next weekend’s G20 leaders’ summit is now one of the last opportunities to switch the points to a safer track. The United States appears …
There was something for everyone in the European elections. The liberals and Greens did well, with voters backing their pan-European visions for the environment, worker health and safety regulation, and human rights. So too did …
US tariffs on Chinese goods are approaching the levels that applied during the trade war of the 1930s but they’re being imposed on a much more complex set of trade and business relationships. As much …
The global oil market has largely shrugged off the sabre-rattling in the Middle East as the United States seeks to halt Iran’s oil exports. The oil price actually fell by 2% following the Trump administration’s …