Articles by: "Graeme Dobell"
China rumbles in the South China Sea

China came to the Shangri-La Dialogue to both romance and rumble. The language of regional romance jars mightily with the grouchy belligerence over the South China Sea. The rich suitor came wooing with honey words, …

All about China, all the time

When Australia discusses China without mentioning China directly, it talks of the need for a ‘rules-based’ order. In the Defence White Paper which Canberra issued in February, ‘rules’ is used 64 times—48 of these in …

Asia does jaw-jaw

Asia long ago took to heart Churchill’s admonition that it’s better to jaw-jaw than war-war. A lot of talking goes on around here. And the jaw-jaw intensity has risen as Asia confronts a long slope …

Defence confronts the Media Age (part 5)

The media philosophy offered in this series is the belief that in the Media Age the more you give the more you make. The continuous flow of honest news—good and bad—from the Australian Defence Force …

Defence confronts the Media Age (part 4)

War and truth seldom sit comfortably together. To go to battle is not to go to Sunday school. So to proclaim that the Media Age motto for the Australian Defence Force and the Defence Department …

Defence confronts the Media Age (part 3)

The communications demands of the Media Age are so diverse and complex that only a simple answer will suffice. This is back-to-basics meets back-to-the future. Head to the bedrock of first principles while everything else …

Defence confronts the Media Age (part 1)

‘Electric circuitry has overthrown the regime of “time” and “space” and pours upon us instantly and continuously the concerns of all other men.’         Marshall McLuhan, 1967. ‘The traditional factors of production …

Australians claim Anzac Day

Today is Anzac Day, the 101st anniversary of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli. Anzac Day has broadened its personal reach and become less overtly political or even geopolitical. The annual moment of memory has evolved. And …