Articles by: "John Coyne"
Ivory and transnational crime: big issues in Laos

Laos People’s Democratic Republic (LPDR) has become a regionally significant hub for transnational organised crime syndicates. Faced with serious border security challenges brought on by its shared borders, endemic corruption and central location in Southeast …

Gun trafficking and mandatory jail terms

With an estimated 260,000 illegal (unregistered) guns already in Australia, the horse is already on its way out the stable door. Still, every illegal firearm counts: the significance of the threat is such that government …

Integrity at the Border

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) is going to be a border enforcement agency! That’s hardly an earth-shattering statement, given the public policy dialogue in the media and senate estimates over the last …

Australia and the issue of border security

Why is ASPI starting a border security program? Why is border security important to an island country with no land borders? Where and what is a border in a globalised world? In the past a …

You are what you measure

Recently-released Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) research, Findings from the DUMA program: Impact of reduced methamphetamine supply on consumption of illicit drugs and alcohol, casts further doubts over the effectiveness of Australian border-enforcement agencies’ use …

National security: a surprise present

Surprise—national security agencies are now expected to face a threat growing in capability and intent and the government will reconsider whether they will do so with only slightly less money. The Prime Minister’s National Security …