Search Results for "governing the net"
Internet or Splinternet?

Who owns the Internet? The answer is no one and everyone. The Internet is a network of networks. Each of the separate networks belongs to different companies and organisations, and they rely on physical servers …

Oz president, Oz cabinet

Australian politics has grafted presidential habits onto a system of cabinet government. And recently, the Oz body politic has rejected the graft. The mismatch between presidential aspiration and parliamentary power introduces stutters and stuff-ups into …

Let’s create a better Internet together

Perhaps a bit dazed from the raucous success that was Safer Internet Day 2014, the European Commission may have taken the motto ‘let’s create a better Internet together’ a bit too far. Last Wednesday, the

12 more Super Hornets

The decision to buy 12 more Super Hornets (in this case EA-18G ‘Growler’ electronic warfare models) which was announced today essentially consolidates the initial decision made in 2006 by the Howard Government. And it’s been …

Cyber wrap

The 2007 theft of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter plans was this week officially linked to  China by German newspaper Der Spiegel. The classified US document, given to the paper by Edward Snowden, detailed the

Cyber wrap

Pinged all devices on the Internet, here's a map of where they're located :) — John Matherly (@achillean) August 28, 2014 This week, the Internet governance debate descends on Istanbul, with the start of …

Cyber wrap

It’s a grim picture in this week’s cyber wrap as news of attacks and vulnerabilities pile up. According to the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), foreign-state sponsored cyberattacks on Australian targets have surged by 21%, with …

Cyber wrap

The big cyber news out of the US this week was the Obama Administration’s release of the results of its three-month review into ‘big data’ and privacy. The report found that while big data can …

Cyber wrap

First up, on the domestic front this week a couple of reports have elevated the issue of government cybersecurity standards, or lack thereof. Australian Financial Review sources allege that the Chinese intelligence agencies that penetrated

New Zealand’s trouble in paradise

New Zealand is taking too hasty and too abrasive an approach to Pacific islands, putting leadership in the region on edge. We see this in a bungled attempt to visit Kiribati that led to a …