Tag Archive for: "Brexit"
Lying and leadership

This election season has been marked by frequent charges of dishonesty. During Britain’s ‘Brexit’ debate, each side charged the other with distorting the truth, though the speed with which the ‘Leave’ camp has been disowning …

From Brexit to the future

Digesting the full implications of the United Kingdom’s ‘Brexit’ referendum will take Britain, Europe, and the world a long time. The most profound consequences will, of course, depend on the European Union’s response to the …

An introverted Anglosphere?

Recent tumultuous political events—including Australia’s election—seem likely to produce a troubling set of strategic consequences. Some of those consequences will be reflected in the strategic policies of key individual Western states. But they’re also likely …

Little England and not-so-Great Britain

As an Anglo-Dutchman—British mother, Dutch father—I cannot help but take Brexit rather personally. I’m not a wholehearted Euro-enthusiast, but a European Union without Britain feels like losing a limb in a terrible accident. Not all …

Reawakening Europe

The decision by the United Kingdom’s voters to ‘Brexit’ the European Union is not an example of the British black humor that I love. It’s not ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus,’ ‘Yes, Prime Minister,’ or ‘Fawlty …