In its 50‑page review of the implementation of Australia’s naval shipbuilding program, the Australian National Audit Office managed to avoid using the word ‘shambles’. That’s more than I can manage. We’re only at the starting …
After almost four years in gestation, a Defence Industrial Capability Plan has emerged. Like the recently released Defence Export Strategy, the industrial capability plan is rich in aspirational targets and administrative detail. Less obvious are …
Emmanuel Macron and Malcolm Turnbull have the opportunity to set Australian and French defence industry on a new path that will bring decades of strategic and economic benefit to both our countries. That opportunity revolves …
International defence companies have been warned that seeking a share of the $200 billion to be spent upgrading the Australian Defence Force will require a much greater commitment than simply obtaining an Australian business number. Defence …
Minister Christopher Pyne’s launch today of the Defence Industrial Capability Plan continues the production of industry policy information and initiatives under the Turnbull government. Given the material already released, it is a pretty dense field—including …