Tag Archive for: "European Union"
Managing a multipolar Europe

People used to think that the most important decisions affecting Europe were made in Paris, Berlin, or Brussels. But in recent months, as the European Union has confronted the refugee crisis, and the Syrian conflict …

Playing defence in Europe

The most frightening periods in history have often been interregnums—moments between the death of one king and the rise of the next. Disorder, war, and even disease can flood into the vacuum when, as Antonio …

Europe’s last chance

Most of Europe’s history has been marked by conflict. The American historian Robert Kagan wrote in 2003 that ‘Americans are from Mars and Europeans are from Venus’; but Europe was for centuries home to the …

Reform or divorce in Europe

To say that the eurozone has not been performing well since the 2008 crisis is an understatement. Its member countries have done more poorly than the European Union countries outside the eurozone, and much more …

Populism, past and present

It seems that practically no Western democracy nowadays is immune to right-wing populism. While populist rhetoric seems to be reaching fever pitch, with far-reaching consequences—most notably the United Kingdom’s vote to ‘Brexit’ the European Union—the …