After eight weeks of negotiations, Germany has a new government. For the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz, who succeeds Angela Merkel as chancellor, the much-anticipated coalition agreement augurs nothing less than a revitalised progressive Mitte, or …
In a week when Australia’s relationship with France was left hanging by a thread due to the cancellation of the Attack-class submarine project, Germany quietly doubled the number of upcoming port visits to Australia by …
The Greens’ strong performance in Germany’s federal election—though not as strong as the party hoped just a few short weeks ago—offers hope that the country will now finally start moving in a more promising direction. …
On 26 September, Germans will elect the members of the 20th Bundestag and its new chancellor. For the first time since 2005, Angela Merkel’s name will not be on any ballots, as she is retiring …
On 1 August 2020, about 30,000 people gathered in Berlin to protest against Covid-19 lockdown measures. Although the event, organised by the Stuttgart-based Querdenker movement, defied a ban on public gatherings, it was ultimately a …