Ronen Bergman has written an extraordinary book which is at once morally confronting and gripping in its narrative. Without the formal assistance of Israel’s intelligence community, including Mossad, Bergman has produced a comprehensive account of …
Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s suggestion that Australia might recognise West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital won’t contribute to peace in the Middle East and has dangerous ramifications for Australia. As has been extensively reported in Australia’s …
The prime minister’s announcement that Australia will consider moving its embassy to Jerusalem, and also review our stance on the Iran nuclear deal is prudent, wise and in our national interest. It makes sense to …
Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s announcements of a possible move of our embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and of a review of our support for the Iran nuclear deal threaten seriously to prejudice …
The signs are ominous—especially in Israel and its neighbours, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. Violence, both actual and rhetorical, has been escalating on all three fronts. Gaza could become the immediate flash point as the Palestinians’ …