The Harel Brigade memorial sits atop Radar Hill (now known as Har Adar) on the outskirts of Jerusalem. The memorial’s tower affords a coastal panorama that takes in Gaza to the south and carries on …
The Beat Social media and public service risk There’s a new niche market potentially targeted by identity criminals: young public servants on social media. Australian Crime Commission Chief Executive Chris Dawson has identified increasing use …
Sea State Competition between the three contenders for the replacement of the Royal Navy’s Collins-class submarines has started to heat up with Japan now revealing its willingness to build the submarines in Australia despite previous …
Ahron Shapiro’s critique eloquently expresses the strongest arguments against the P5+1 interim deal. In many ways this debate is ‘the principle versus the technical’. It’s regrettable that in 2015 the discussion is about how many …
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) reads as a remarkable document. (Here’s a useful fact sheet.) If fully implemented, it’ll prove an historic triumph of diplomacy—one that significantly reduces the likelihood of an Iranian …