Tag Archive for: "surveillance"
Australia in space—50 years after WREsat

Two Defence Department space projects 50 years apart have neat parallels. On 29 November 1967, Australia’s first satellite, WREsat, developed by a forerunner of the Defence Science and Technology Group, was launched from Woomera. Last …

The illusion of freedom in the digital age

Over the last few weeks, media around the world have been saturated with stories about how technology is destroying politics. In autocracies like China, the fear is of ultra-empowered Big Brother states, like that in …

Apple, Face ID and privacy

I’ve seen a number of crazy media pieces arguing that Apple’s Face ID technology has privacy implications and will enable government mass surveillance. I disagree, and I think there’s a more sensible way to think …

ASPI suggests

15 years since 9/11 and stories from the days, months and years that followed continue to leach out into the world. One of the most remarkable to emerge this week was POLITICO Magazine’s oral history …