ASPI suggests
9 Aug 2013|

The Australian War Memorial launched a new exhibition on August 6, called Afghanistan the Australian Story, which presents the experiences of servicemen and women who deployed to Afghanistan and the Middle East Area of Operations.

T.X. Hammes has a new article in The National Interest, ‘Sorry, AirSea Battle Is No Strategy’ in which he argues that war with China won’t be won by deep strikes. Distant, defensive deterrence and blockades suit us better.

Are the economic benefits of military primacy all they’re cracked up to be? Dan Drezner has a new journal article that challenges whether military preponderance has paid off for the US.

There was a foreign policy battle of minds between the Foreign Minister Bob Carr and his Opposition counterpart Julie Bishop, hosted by the Lowy Institute on Wednesday. For a summary of the main points and key features, check out related blog posts here or listen to the recording here.

There are some new Centre of Gravity papers, published by the ANU’s Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, including one by C. Raja Mohan on recent China–India border disputes and their security implications for Australia, a second by Robert O’Neill on the ADF in a post-Afghanistan era, and a third by Admiral Dennis C. Blair on how Australia and the US should respond to China’s recent assertiveness (PDF).

Lastly, some cyber news. Bruce Schneier has published a thought-provoking piece on the US public–private surveillance partnership. He argues that it’s easier for the government to circumvent eavesdropping provisions in constitutional law by gathering data from corporations. He reasons that, as a result, the government is cautious to introduce any legislation that would limit private sector data collection.

The Chinese hacking group APT1, linked to the People’s Liberation Army by Mandiant, has been caught trying to interfere with a decoy water control system in the United States. The ‘honeypot’ was established by Kyle Wilhoit at security company Trend Micro. Using cloud software the company replicated the log-in and configuration screens of real life municipal water plants. The attacks followed soon after, including from APT1.  

Update: Brad Glosserman of Pacific Forum CSIS recently spoke at the ANU on the prospects for Japan’s economy under PM Shinzo Abe. An overview of the talk and podcast is available here.


Canberra: What’s the chance of a coup in Myanmar? A panel of speakers moderated by ANU’s Dr Nicholas Farrelly will debate questions about Myanmar’s military and nascent democratisation in the Hedley Bull Atrium (ANU) on Monday 12 August, 3.30–5pm. Prof Andrew MacIntyre will then launch the latest issue of the AIIA journal at 5pm, followed by drinks and canapés.

Islamism and terrorism researcher Solahudin will be presenting on how cyber-jihad is changing the dynamics of terrorism in Indonesia in Coombs Extension Building ANU, on Wednesday 14 August at 12.30pm.

On Vietnam Veteran’s day, the Australian War Memorial is hosting a free film screening with rare footage recorded during the Vietnam War at the AWM’s BAE Systems Theatre, Sunday 18 August at 2.30pm.

Sydney: Linda Jakobson deliver the 2013 Lowy Institute China Changing Lecture which will evaluate the first six months of foreign policy under President Xi Jinping and China’s new proactive diplomacy at The Lowy Institute, Thursday 15 August at 5.30pm. For registration and tickets, see here.

Melbourne: Monash University is hosting a roundtable on the challenges and opportunities of Australia and the EU in the Asian Century at the Caulfield campus on Thursday 15 August at 1.30pm.

Brisbane: Dr Andrew Selth will be presenting on recent developments in Myanmar, hosted by the AIIA Qld at 46 George Street, Brisbane, on Tuesday 13 August at 6pm.

Image courtesy of Department of Defence.