Articles by: "Amin Saikal"
The trouble with the Middle East’s royal families

The rift between Jordan’s King Abdullah II and his half-brother, Prince Hamzah, once again reminds us of the patrimonial and, in some cases, polygamic-based sibling and inter-dynastic power rivalry that has traditionally marked political life …

A mutual US–Iranian accommodation?

The Joe Biden administration faces numerous domestic and foreign policy challenges. On the external front, one of them is how to deal with Iran. Biden has indicated the reduction of tension between the two sides, …

What’s next for Afghanistan?

The fate of Afghanistan has been a perennial issue, decided often by outside powers rather than by the Afghan people. As far back as 1908, British conservative statesman George Curzon declared at the annual dinner of …

The Middle East challenges awaiting Biden

It’s been a decade since the popular uprising known as the Arab Spring swept several Arab countries in pursuit of democratic societal transformations. Yet, of all the affected states, only Tunisia has remained on that …

Is Trump trigger-happy towards Iran?

The world has entered potentially the most dangerous days of Donald Trump’s presidency. The US president, who has refused to acknowledge his election loss, is in a trigger-happy position to ignite a foreign policy crisis …

Trump’s perilous approach to Afghanistan

The US presidential transition has generated much uncertainty not only for the American public, but also for many of America’s allies and adversaries around the world. Affected most acutely are the countries whose futures hinge …