In 2013 followers of regional security architecture added another acronym to their already hearty alphabet soup of acronyms. The Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC) at its annual meeting held that year in …
Last November the Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories agreed to examine the strategic importance of Australia’s Indian Ocean Territories (IOT)—the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island. The Committee is looking at the …
Mass gatherings protection is focused on counterterrorism and public safety. Compared to critical infrastructure protection, however, it’s been the area least amenable to national leadership. The issue has recently been highlighted in regional NSW. Four cancelled …
Professor Russell Trood, who died this week aged 68, was an absolute gentleman in every way. Invariably gracious, he really cared about those he interacted with. His warm personal style, gentleness and concern for others …
In conjunction with the Begin-Sadat Center of Strategic Studies, ASPI has released a new report, The Wattle and the Olive: A new chapter in Australia and Israel working together. The cover photo of the report …
We’ve recently seen the first jihadist terrorist attack in Manhattan since 9/11, after a bomb injured 29 people in Chelsea and several other devices were found in neighbouring blocks and in New Jersey. But it …
The absence of Fiji’s Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama from the recent Pacific Islands Forum’s Leaders’ Meeting in Pohnpei wasn’t a surprise: he hasn’t attended a Forum Leaders’ Meeting since 2007. But taking away the commission …
Janette Lindesay, Professor of Climatology at the ANU, and the CSIRO’s Mark Howden have pointed out that 2015 was the hottest year on record since modern record-keeping began in 1880. Lindesey and Howden note that: …
Touring flood-affected Tasmania in June this year, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull warned that natural disasters will become more severe as climate change worsens. He emphasised the need for greater mitigation measures: ‘we have to be …
Diversifying choice of fuel supplies can have a real impact on naval operational capacity, in addition to managing the costs sustaining capability. This month there’s been lots of naval talk about alternative fuels when the …
Malcolm Turnbull has requested that Australia’s counterterrorism agencies develop a strategy to prevent rapidly radicalised terrorists from carrying out Nice-style attacks in public areas. Senior sources have told The Australian that the Prime Minister is …
The People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already stated that the international Tribunal’s award in The Philippines v. China case is null and void and has no binding force. That’s no great …