Articles by: "Malcolm Davis"
The morning after the summit before

The summit in Singapore between US President Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong‑un finished with photo‑op fanfare and well-meaning handshakes and smiles. However, the Singapore declaration between Trump and Kim gives little confidence that a …

The North Korean peace train is leaving backwards

The 12 June summit between Kim Jong‑un and Donald Trump is almost upon us, and already some pretty fundamental shifts have occurred in the US negotiating position. Previously the US has sought to apply ‘maximum pressure’ through …

ASPI suggests

The world First up this week, an unusual coalition of far-right and anti-establishment parties has been sworn into office in Italy. For a comprehensive understanding of how social media propelled the populists to the political …

ASPI suggests

The world Just days after Donald Trump impetuously cancelled the North Korea–US summit in Singapore, the meeting looks to be back on. After an impromptu summit between North and South Korea at the weekend, the White …

ASPI suggests

The world Yet another devastating school shooting occurred in the US last week, this time in the Texan city of Santa Fe. This long read re‑visits Concord High, where in 1985 Louis Cartier walked into his school …

ASPI suggests

The world The 70‑year‑long conflict between Israel and Palestine flared up again this week. Sixty Palestinians were killed, the highest fatality toll since the 2014 war. Gazans have been protesting for weeks, demanding the right to …

ASPI suggests

The world The US withdrawal from the Iran deal has been criticised around the globe. The BBC provides a quick video explainer on the implications of President Donald Trump’s decision for international trade policy, diplomacy and …

ASPI suggests

The world Last Friday’s historic Kim–Moon summit happened as quickly as it vanished from the headlines. ASPI provides a short video explainer, while The Diplomat calms high expectations and explains why we’re still a long …

ASPI suggests

The world Although French President Emmanuel Macron appeared to be on his best behaviour during his visit to Washington, his speech to Congress demonstrated that the Franco–American partnership will undoubtedly be tested. Carnegie offers a …

ASPI suggests

The world The justifications put forward by allied nations to strike the Assad regime in Syria last week rest on the fact that using chemical weapons is unequivocally unacceptable. Three powerful pieces—one each from Andrew …