Articles by: "Mark Leonard"
What liberal world order?

After the annus horribilis that was 2016, most political observers believe that the liberal world order is in serious trouble. But that is where the agreement ends. At the recent Munich Security Conference, debate on …

Harnessing the politics of disruption

The United Kingdom’s vote to exit the European Union and Donald Trump’s election as US president exposed a deep generational divide. Cosmopolitan millennials and nationalist pensioners—what Thomas Friedman calls ‘Web People’ and ‘Wall People’—seem to …

Europe, alone in Trump’s world

Alone again. Since World War II’s end, Europe has looked at the world through a transatlantic lens. There have been ups and downs in the alliance with the United States, but it was a family …

Theresa May’s nasty Britain

British Prime Minister Theresa May once warned her fellow Conservatives of the perils of being known as the ‘nasty party.’ But after 100 days in office, she is in danger of going further, turning the …

Managing a multipolar Europe

People used to think that the most important decisions affecting Europe were made in Paris, Berlin, or Brussels. But in recent months, as the European Union has confronted the refugee crisis, and the Syrian conflict …

Playing defence in Europe

The most frightening periods in history have often been interregnums—moments between the death of one king and the rise of the next. Disorder, war, and even disease can flood into the vacuum when, as Antonio …

Boris Johnson the counter-revolutionary

If history repeats itself—first tragedy, then farce—what comes next is Boris Johnson, a shape-shifting politician who embodies the contradictions of our age. Johnson is a tribune of the people who grew up with the privileges …

The rise of democracy in Europe

The shock of the British vote to leave the European Union has yet to sink in. Yet European leaders must steel themselves for what’s to come. In fact, Brexit might be the initial tremor that …