Debate: "General"
Obama’s real mistake in Syria

As US President Barack Obama’s eight-year term winds down, he has been facing intensifying criticism for failing to stop the carnage in Syria—what many call his ‘worst mistake.’ But the alternatives his critics tout would …

The China Choice

The ‘China choice’ debate has flared up again in recent weeks with the Turnbull government displaying signs of confusion about where we draw the line between defending national security interests and promoting economic relations with …

Cyber wrap

Kicking off this week, China has invited foreign tech corporations to join its government’s central technical committee. Technical Committee 260, which reports to the Cyberspace Administration of China, is responsible for establishing China’s cyber security …

Europe’s last chance

Most of Europe’s history has been marked by conflict. The American historian Robert Kagan wrote in 2003 that ‘Americans are from Mars and Europeans are from Venus’; but Europe was for centuries home to the …

The importance of intelligence

Today is the golden age of intelligence. It’s a great time to be an intelligence officer. If our intelligence services were for-profit enterprises, investors would want to make long-term investments in them. Business is that …

Bit by bit: China’s quantum cryptography system

I read Geoff Slocombe’s recent post about quantum computing with interest and, I’ll admit, a little skepticism. While there’s no doubt that practical quantum computing would represent a significant step forward in computing power, there …

Defence and liquid transport fuel resilience

Diversifying choice of fuel supplies can have a real impact on naval operational capacity, in addition to managing the costs sustaining capability. This month there’s been lots of naval talk about alternative fuels when the …

ASPI at 15: 30 in 2031?

In a week where we’ve looked back at ASPI’s first 15 years it may be useful to contemplate what the next 15 years might look like for the Institute. Will ASPI survive to 2031? Will …

That sinking feeling: is the flattop finished?

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier has been the ultimate symbol of American power and prestige for decades. These vessels are both incredibly capable and incredibly expensive. However, the combination of the proliferation of long range anti-access/area …