The members of AUKUS should expand the security pact to include South Korea. If they do, they will deepen and strengthen the partnership, enhance its technological capabilities and make the Indo-Pacific region more secure. South …
Australia’s defence planners should carefully weigh the risks posed to its vital maritime trade connections by a persistent Chinese naval presence in the Indian Ocean. Some precautions must be taken now, as the need to …
Britain has a new prime minister, Keir Starmer, leading its first Labour government in 14 years. Key questions for us now are how Britain under Labour will approach the security partnership with Australia and whether …
Australia’s planned acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines is undoubtedly ambitious and risky. But the frequent negativity among Australian commentators is detached from the reality of the success to date of the plan’s progress and the wider …
The Australian federal budget shows defence will receive a significant increase in funding over the next decade under the new National Defence Strategy and Integrated Investment Plan. The budget papers, issued on 14 May, include …
As Japan becomes more forward-leading in national security, it is signaling a greater interest in the wider world. But a review of its latest moves shows its main focus is on reinforcing its armed forces, …
Australia’s failure to prioritise acquisition of surface-to-air systems for missile defence is alarming. We need such equipment as part of our measures for facing one of our most demanding threats—China’s large inventory of conventional and …
Moscow and Beijing likely worked together to sow disinformation globally that was propagated locally by political parties in the lead-up to Solomon Islands’ national and provincial elections on 17 April 2024. Both countries’ propaganda systems …
Strike capability featured in the 2024 update of Australia’s Integrated Investment Plan (IIP), the equipment spending program that accompanied the National Defence Strategy (NDS) published on 17 April. But the strike capability acquisitions were all …
On March 7, Sweden officially joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, ending its 200-year-old policy of neutrality. The decision was largely influenced by the changing security environment following Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, and geographic …
Following the release of the Australia’s Surface Fleet Review, a big problem remains: the Australian Defence Force lacks sufficient maritime firepower to credibly implement deterrence-by-denial in the next 10 years. Building ships and submarines is …
What, exactly, is Australia’s intended fleet of nuclear-powered submarines supposed to do? It’s reasonable to ask the question, because the government has not spelled out the roles of the vessels. Nonetheless, the answer is clear. …