There was a fascinating blip on the radar this week—a branch of Chinese local government accidentally let slip that work on China’s second aircraft carrier is underway. Boasts that a local company in Changzhou, Jiangshu …
Ahead of ASPI’s Australia’s Future Surface Fleet Conference (30 March to 1 April, here in Canberra) we’ll be bringing you a new feature: a weekly update on maritime strategy and security issues, from here in …
This week’s reading picks include US grand strategy, India’s Machiavelli, oversight in Afghanistan and China’s two silk roads, also Jokowi’s CNN interview, new podcasts and more. If America is to assure its future security and …
US President Barack Obama visited India between 25 and 27 January, becoming the first US president to visit India twice while in office and the first US president to be the Chief Guest during India’s …
After reading Peter Briggs’ excellent posts on why Australia should build its own submarines (here and here), it occurred to me that we may be missing a more important element of the discussion. Recently, I …
Young strategists are often in the market for book recommendations. Though I’m not particularly inclined to write reviews, I’d strongly recommend Robert Haddick’s Fire on the Water: China, America and the future of the Pacific …
Originally published 13 February 2014. While high profile Defence projects like the Joint Strike Fighter and future submarine have received plenty of coverage, much less has been written about LAND 400—a proposed $10 billion purchase …
With the end (of the year) nigh, it’s time once again to have a look at what’s been making Strategist readers click. The 2013 top ten showed that our readership was most interested in submarines, …
With the launch of ASPI’s Strike from the Air paper yesterday, I thought it was worth looking at some data from both the current campaign and the now well-documented 1991 Gulf War air campaign. There are …
A key part of the strategic jostling occurring in the Bay of Bengal involves India’s attempts to consolidate its role as the leading maritime power in the Bay. While British India absolutely dominated the Bay …
The British Defence Secretary’s announcement of plans to develop a naval base at Bahrain may be confirmation that the United Kingdom’s policy as to the nature and extent of its overseas defence commitments is at …
Lost amid ‘canoe-gate’ last week was an interview with the Minister for Defence during which he made an interesting comment: … the Labor Party when in power for six years had ASPI do a run …