In my previous article, I noted that because of the disruptive innovation occurring in Australia’s electricity sector, traditional generators are realising that their core assets have become stranded—they’re losing money and can’t be sold. I …
At the November 2019 supplementary Senate estimates hearing for the Department of Defence, much was made of the number of jobs created among Australia-based companies through their participation in the joint strike fighter (JSF) global …
In my previous article on the future of the Aussie Tiger helicopter, I suggested two possible paths for the Australian Army’s future armed reconnaissance helicopter (ARH) capability. The first is to extend the Aussie Tiger’s …
In 2011 the ADF took delivery of 22 Eurocopter ‘Aussie Tiger’ armed reconnaissance helicopters (ARH). Since then, the project has had a troubled history: the ANAO released a fairly scathing report in 2016, and more …
The organisational reforms to defence acquisition that followed the First Principles Review were extensive. Cassandras that we are, at the time we worried about the risk of a ‘perfect storm’ of deteriorating external strategic circumstances, …