Boston Consulting Group estimates that biomanufacturing will displace 40 percent of the global economy over the next 30 years. This is equivalent to $30 trillion in global economic potential. Currently, Australia is on the wrong …
Australia must look to agriculture as a critical part of global engagement and better leverage its agricultural sector to deepen the country’s international relationships. We have a strong agricultural sector and, thanks to the Cairns …
The shire of Burdekin is the capital of north Queensland’s sugar industry and also the centre of a revolution Australian cane growers call the bioproducts race. They’re looking to convert waste (called bagasse) that’s left …
China’s recent decision to expand the pilot planting of genetically modified soybeans has the potential to reshape the global soybean trade. Soybeans, crucial in animal feed, human food and industrial products, are immensely important in …
Resilience, the economy and national security are a live discussion across Australia. People can feel change in their bones, from the climate to mortgage repayments—even Australia’s place in the world. These discussions are happening on …