Australia needs to bring the civil, military and industrial components of aviation policy into a coherent whole. It should view the sector as a national enterprise to promote mutual support among its various parts. The …
Australia requires persistent access to Antarctica and needs to reconsider its 2021 decision to abandon plans for a year-round runway near Davis Station. Unimpeded access to Antarctica is necessary as to solidify Australia’s status as …
The Australian government’s Aviation White Paper—Towards 2050 outlines a vision for the future of civil aviation. While the White Paper represents a significant step forward, particularly in terms of decarbonising the aviation sector and enhancing …
ASPI’s The geopolitics of climate and security in the Indo-Pacific is a sobering read that describes the international security implications of climate change in our region in 2035. In one description of a plausible future, …
It’s in Australians’ DNA to go forth and conquer the world through international travel. Aussies are the long-haul experts. But now we’re not allowed to undertake outbound travel and inbound is challenging for those not …