Even the most hard-headed of strategic analysts would have to concede that we are now facing a direct and very real threat to our individual and collective security of a sort and severity that we …
Over the coming decades, climate change will have serious and pervasive impacts on human security across the Indo-Pacific region. From supporting regional disaster-assistance missions to responding to sudden climate-change-related mass migration, Australia’s north will need …
In this episode, Michael Shoebridge and Marcus Hellyer discuss the implications of the decision to pause production of the Triton unmanned aerial vehicles that Australia is buying from the US. After that, Kelly Smith speaks …
By any reasonable standard, Australia is a long way away from most other countries. Sydney is closer to the South Pole than it is to Singapore. Direct flights from Washington or Brussels to Canberra remain …
Every society rests on a web of norms, institutions, policies, laws and commitments to those in need of support. In traditional societies, such obligations are borne mostly by families and kin groups. In advanced economies, …