Security weaknesses and cyber ‘doors left open’, employees turned rogue, and hackers demanding ransom, all demonstrate dramatically the need for strong critical infrastructure risk management. Examples of how vulnerabilities will be exploited were highlighted in …
From our vantage point in the UK, it’s hard not to be envious of the rigorous public debate taking place in Australia on the future legality of ransomware payments. Over the past several years, ransomware …
The Covid-19 crisis is revealing many truths about our society, not least that lies and misinformation can be just as infectious as any disease. Since Australians went into lockdown in March, we have seen conspiracy …
In this episode, Hannah Smith of ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre and the Australian National University’s Katherine Mansted speak about their new ASPI report, Weaponised deep fakes. Deep fakes are digital forgeries created through artificial …
When the US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley announced, ‘We’re at war with Covid-19, we’re at war with terrorists, and we’re at war with drug cartels’, he articulated a fear shared by many …