Tag Archive for: "Germany"
The SEA 1000 contenders: the Germans (part 2)

Germany’s bid for the SEA 1000 Future Submarine project could reasonably be described as coming from a safe pair of hands. Since 1960, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) through its Howaldwerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) subsidiary has delivered …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State Last week, TKMS opened its dockyards in Kiel to visiting Australian defence writers to discuss its submarine and surface fleet operations. The Germans have displayed a transparency in the competitive evaluation process that …

Cyber wrap

Last week German Bundestag internal servers fell victim to an external hacking attempt. The government is keeping details close to its chest, but a spokesperson for the German Lower House confirmed that the attack had …

Sea State

There was a fascinating blip on the radar this week—a branch of Chinese local government accidentally let slip that work on China’s second aircraft carrier is underway. Boasts that a local company in Changzhou, Jiangshu …