In the grand tapestry of technological evolution, generative artificial intelligence has emerged as a vibrant and transformative thread. Its extraordinary benefits are undeniable; already it is revolutionising industries and reshaping the way we live, work …
It has been 56 years since the last person was executed in Australia and almost 40 years since the last death sentence was given by an Australian court. The death penalty has been abolished in …
This month marks two years since the US and allied retreat from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s resumption of power there. Amid all the depressing news about the brutal, misogynistic rule of the Taliban, in July …
Last month, Canada passed modern slavery laws focused specifically on forced labour and child labour. This comes in the context of an emerging global trend of new national modern slavery laws. In Australia, a statutory …
Women have been barred from education in Afghanistan and face mass arrests and summary executions in Myanmar. In Iran, failure to wear a hijab to the satisfaction of the morality police was enough to end …