A Royal Australian Navy ship is transiting international waters in the South China Sea. A large fleet of fishing vessels, some with reinforced bows, deliberately manoeuvres close to the Australian warship. In the melee, one …
Technology policy formulation has gained a renewed importance for governments in the era of strategic competition, but contextual understanding and expertise in deciding where to focus efforts are lacking. As a result, it’s difficult to …
Australia is up with the best in the science of quantum computing, with the leaders, the scientists and the results. But new approaches are needed to address deficiencies in its defence and intelligence technology. In …
High school economics taught us that scaling up improves efficiency and reduces costs. There’s intense focus right now in the Northern Territory on tapping into large-scale solar and renewable hydrogen, large-scale gas exports and large-scale …
In The Strategist in July, we outlined our concept for an Australian equivalent of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), mooted by ASPI. We envisaged this Australian version of DARPA filling the ‘valley …