Tag Archive for: "international relations"
The UN’s unhappy birthday

The United Nations is turning 75, and if this were a normal year, many of the world’s leaders would be set to gather in New York City to celebrate this milestone and open the annual …

The knock-on effects of impeachment

The impeachment process instigated by the US House of Representatives has the potential to produce significant international consequences. As the administration’s attentions and energies are absorbed by the process, there’s a real danger that the …

Where to with China?

The ramshackle character of public policy is most clearly on show when senior ministers go freelancing. Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton’s leap into the China fray might have felt good to a frustrated former policeman, …

Strategic personalities and a changing world

As the federal election campaign winds to a close, John McCarthy, formerly one of the senior figures of the Australian diplomatic corps, has published a thoughtful piece urging the incoming government to engage Australians in …