Sea state Supporting documents for the Pentagon’s Future navy force study suggest it’s considering expanding the US Navy to as many as 534 vessels, up from the service’s current target of 355 manned ships by …
On the whole, the internet has been a tremendous boon for society, but it has also exposed all of Australia—our people, our economy and our government—to sources of unexpected danger from across the entire planet. …
As the Covid-19 crisis plays out across the world, a disturbing new form of denialism is emerging which seeks to sow doubt not just about the seriousness of the pandemic or the response to it, …
In October, a confrontation erupted between one of the leading Democratic candidates for the US presidency, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Warren had called for a breakup of Facebook, which Zuckerberg said …
The EU’s recently proposed regulation to prevent the online dissemination of terrorist content has sparked significant concern among experts and civil society groups. One of the most controversial elements of the proposal is the requirement …