Tag Archive for: "Japan"
ASPI suggests

Fairfax’s Michael Bachelard kicks off this week’s recommended readings and podcasts with this op-ed on how Australia ‘won’ the spying row with Indonesia. He argues that the language of the Code of Conduct, signed yesterday by …

Cyber wrap

This week, Australian government and private sector cooperation on cybersecurity appears to have picked up pace. Speaking at a summit in Sydney, Mike Rothery, First Assistant Secretary at the Attorney-General’s Department’s National Security Resilience Policy …

ASPI suggests

I’m kicking off today’s list with a piece by ANU’s Dr Mathew Davies who cogently argues that the anti-IS and pro-Iraq strategy of the US needs to consider a post-Iraq Middle East. Systematically outlining the …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back for another round-up of new reports, videos and podcasts in defence and international security! US President Barack Obama has announced the authorisation of two operations in Iraq: targeted airstrikes against IS convoys to protect …