Tag Archive for: "radicalisation"
ASPI suggests

Welcome back to ASPI suggests, dear readers, where nary a week goes by without a fresh incident from 1600 Penn for us to sink our teeth into. This week, of course, it’s FBI Director James …

A new normal: individual jihad and the West

The terrorist attack at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida on June 12 represents the recent shift in terrorist modus operandi within Western jurisdictions. Preliminary details indicate that the attack was undertaken by an individual without …

ASPI suggests

After romping in the Florida primary on Tuesday, critics and analysts are starting to take seriously the once seemingly slim chance of The Donald taking the Oval Office. The Economist’s Global Forecasting Service has ranked …

Show me the money: countering terrorist financing

Stopping radicalisation and disrupting plots are appropriately the focus of the majority of Australia’s counterterrorism efforts. But there are other avenues to undermine the terrorist business model that are lower profile but have the potential …