Iran’s securing nuclear weapons would destabilise a region already suffering from mass upheaval, in addition to having dire security implications for the rest of the world. Multilateral efforts to deter the sadistic actions of ISIS, …
Defence analysis is my core business, so I thought I’d share my views about Australia’s decision about going to war again in the Middle East. As I’ll argue below, I think we’re doing the right …
Once alerted to the menace posed by brutal terrorists in Iraq and Syria, the world has swung into action with vigour and resolve—and enough potent military hardware to make even the most hardened terrorist think …
Defeating ISIL (otherwise known as ISIS or, simply, Islamic State) will need much more than air strikes and small groups of advisors on the ground. ISIL and its allied organisations are already showing themselves to …
The recent debate over coalition strategy against ISIL has reawakened a related question: whether to support rebel groups in Syria in their fight against ISIL and Bashar al-Assad, and if so how? Even former US …