Articles by: "Graeme Dobell"
Codifying conventions on Australia going to war

Australia has codified government responsibilities to parliament when going to war. The code is set out in a memorandum issued by the Prime Minister’s Department at the end of November. The conventions cover decisions to …

The 12 elements of cold war 2.0

The contours of a new and dangerous era are in place. The world has gone from a chilly peace to a new cold war.  Cold war 2.0 has rhymes from version 1.0, yet the origin …

From thought bubble to AUKUS

The AUKUS quest for nuclear-powered submarines is a thought bubble that turned into a huge project, driven by ambition and beset by anxiety. Canberra’s instant political consensus is a striking element of how quickly the …

Building the Indo-Pacific defence industry base

Indo-Pacific alliances and partnerships are a key advantage of the United States in competing with China. Now the United States seeks an economic version of that strategic advantage with a Statement of Principles for Indo-Pacific …

Budget: a vision of a fraught and fragile world

Beneath the deeply domestic dimensions of any annual budget lies Canberra’s view of the world. The fiscal flashlight of spending and saving (and now subsidising) naturally catches the eye of every Australian taxpayer. Those taxpayers …