Articles by: "Malcolm Davis"
China military watch

Welcome to the second instalment of ‘China military watch’, a new monthly feature discussing recent trends in Chinese military affairs. This week, Charlie Lyons Jones and Malcolm Davis look at the People’s Liberation Army’s perception …

The future legacy of Hiroshima

On 6 August—75 years ago today—the first nuclear weapon used in anger was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. One more was used against Nagasaki on 9 August, and since then, no nuclear weapons …

China military watch

Welcome to ‘China military watch’, a new monthly feature in The Strategist from ASPI’s defence analysts examining developments in Chinese military affairs. ‘Mighty Dragon’ enters mass production China has announced the beginning of mass production …

Blowing up diplomacy on the Korean peninsula

In a stunning dismissal of the value of inter-Korean diplomacy, Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, ordered the destruction of the joint liaison office in Kaesong near the border with South …

Towards a blue-water space force?

The formation of the US Space Force has raised inevitable questions about its purpose and role and about how it will fit in with broader US space policy and activities in the civil and commercial …

The return of the interceptor

Every year, the International Institute for Strategic Studies publishes a thorough assessment of the capabilities and defence economics of militaries around the globe. The 2020 edition of The military balance covers 171 countries and provides …

ASPI suggests

The world One couldn’t be blamed for believing that the end of the world is nigh as the World Health Organization declares a coronavirus pandemic and coverage of the outbreak takes over just about every …