Articles by: "Malcolm Davis"
Australia’s moonshot

In another sign that the government is serious about supporting new Australian endeavours in space, the Australian Space Agency and NASA have inked an agreement covering Australian participation in the US ‘Artemis’ project to return …

ASPI suggests

The world An attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities knocked out over 5% of the world’s daily crude oil production on Saturday. See Al Jazeera for the evidence put forward by Saudi Arabia accusing Iran …

Space 2060 and Australia

The US Air Force Space Command has just released a thought-provoking report, The future of space 2060 and implications for US strategy. As the title suggests, it’s looking ahead to the possible ‘space futures’ that …

ASPI suggests

The world It’s been a busy week for US President Donald Trump. He declared the peace negotiations with the Taliban ‘dead’ and said he would hit them ‘harder than they have ever been hit before’. …

The cyber threat to satellites

The Australian Defence Force has a heavy dependence on satellite communications for force coordination at long range. Satellites such as those that make up the US GPS network are critical for weapons guidance and joint …

ASPI suggests

The world UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has prorogued parliament for five weeks beginning on 10 September in a bid that appears to be aimed at giving MPs less time to debate Brexit, a move …

Back to the Middle East, but at what cost?

They say timing is everything. This week I’ve been devouring the United States Studies Centre’s excellent new report, Averting crisis: American strategy, military spending and collective defence in the Indo-Pacific. It makes a convincing argument …

ASPI suggests

The world To launch this week’s Suggests we take you into space which is becoming an increasingly contested domain. A report by ASPI’s Malcolm Davis examines the implications conflict in space would have for the …

China’s Cambodia gambit

The news that China and Cambodia may have signed a secret agreement for Beijing to have long-term control over part of Cambodia’s Ream naval base, with the right to base People’s Liberation Army naval vessels, …