- John O'Callaghan
- Michael O'Hanlon
- Michael O'Keefe
- Clare O'Neil
- Robert O'Neill
- Rolando Ochoa
- Tanya Ogilvie-White
- Hans J. Ohff
- Bob Olivier
- Zeyar Oo
- Gonzalo Vázquez Orbaiceta
- Andrew Orchard
- Phil Orchard
- Jeffrey Ordaniel
- Sven Ortmann
- Yuma Osaki
- Alexander Osborne
- Djoomart Otorbaev
- Michael Outram
- Frank Owen
- Alan Oxley
- Mary-Louise O’Callaghan
- Sarah O’Connor
- Andrew O'Neil
- Simon O’Rourke
- Kate O’Shaughnessy
- Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet