Debate: "General"
Is Russia the Middle East’s new hegemon?

The collapse of the Soviet Union three decades ago meant that its once-formidable presence in the Middle East collapsed as well. Today, however, as the United States has withdrawn from the region, Russia has rushed …

National security wrap

The beat Italian police recover ancient treasure trove  Officers from a unit of the Italian Carabinieri have arrested 23 people involved in trafficking stolen archaeological artefacts. With support from police in the UK, Germany, France …

Time for European defence autonomy

In a recent interview with The Economist, French President Emmanuel Macron presented his geopolitical vision of the European Union’s future. In the process, he spoke of a ‘NATO brain death’, which sounded to many like …

The Great Game in the South Pacific

The Great Game was played by Great Britain and Russia throughout the 19th century and reflected the two powers’ political and strategic jostling for influence across Central Asia. It was essentially about geographic positioning, and …

Reviewing the Department of Defence (part 2)

Australian defence reviews always wail about fuzzy accountability and indirect responsibility. The critique was immortalised by Defence Department Secretary Allan Hawke, back in 2000, when he decried ‘a culture of learned helplessness among some Defence senior …

Ending our China policy fictions

Further graphic revelations have emerged about how the Chinese state under General Secretary Xi Jinping is using its power against its own people and in the world in ways that are against Australia’s—and many other …

The five-domains update

Sea state The European Union has announced 13 new projects to be funded under its Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) initiative. Two focus on naval defence: the first involves developing a new class of military ship, …

The coming nuclear crises

Until just a few years ago, it looked as if the problem posed by nuclear weapons had been successfully managed, if not solved. American and Russian nuclear stockpiles had been reduced substantially from their Cold …