Debate: "General"
Australia and China: a view from the US

Three years ago, I created a minor diplomatic furore when I opined, during a live interview broadcast on the ABC’s Radio National Breakfast, that the time was fast approaching when Australia might be required to …

The Tulagi turning point

The New York Times reported on 16 October that the People’s Republic of China had leased the island of Tulagi from Solomon Islands. A secret deal was apparently struck in September, no doubt around the …

ASPI suggests

The world US President Donald Trump has lifted sanctions on Turkey following a promise that it would cease fighting in northern Syria. Vox argues that Trump’s stance on Syria is the clearest articulation of his …

Why are governments going to war with big tech? 

The Australian government loves to hate on big tech. In recent years, successive governments have admonished the industry for its alleged role in hiding the communications of terrorists, its resistance to assisting police, its lacklustre …