Debate: "General"
US provocations present opportunity for Iran

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s provocative speech on 22 July that attacked Iran’s leadership and policies, and prompted a brief but hostile exchange between President Hassan Rouhani and President Donald Trump about the threat …

Trump’s immigration trap

Donald Trump’s presidency reminds me of nothing so much as the wars in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. At the height of the violence, a Serb friend said to me, ‘I don’t like [Slobodan] Milošević. I …

ASPI suggests

The world Imran Khan claimed victory in Pakistan’s controversial elections. The BBC has a great explainer on the former cricket star and the challenges he’s set to face. DW offers a pessimistic view of Khan’s …

Fostering a culture of disaster preparedness

The devastating floods we’ve recently seen in Japan are an indicator of the kinds of challenges we’re facing as a result of a changing climate. The landslides and flooding across much of western Japan killed …

Summing up the Trump summits

US President Donald Trump’s summits with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki are history, as is the G7 summit in Quebec and the NATO summit in Brussels. …

China and Africa: the Zimbabwe file

Sino-African relations have been of increasing interest to analysts since the turn of the century—in large part because the relationship is a measure of how the Chinese hope to use their burgeoning economic power in …

From Deraa to Deraa

The flag of the Syrian government was raised again over central Deraa on 12 July, more than seven years after the first popular demonstrations against the Assad regime broke out in the city in March …

Huawei: lessons from the United Kingdom

The UK government released the Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre oversight board’s 2018 annual report on 19 July. HCSEC is a Huawei-owned facility that was created seven years ago to deal with the perceived risks …