Debate: "General"
The resilience of Spanish democracy

The idea that ‘Spain is different’ drove generations of romantic travelers across the Pyrenees to see for themselves, their imaginations stirred by visions of vibrant women and charming bandits. But Spain is no longer just …

The turn of the Kurds

Returns show a high percentage of Iraq’s estimated eight million Kurds turned out to vote in a referendum on independence for the Kurdistan Region and other areas of the country with a substantial Kurdish population. …

Letter from America with an Oz accent

An Australian in the United States is branded on the tongue. The moment you speak, the accent reveals all. They know you’re not from around here. In previous decades, the question was usually whether you …

We’ll be back tomorrow

It’s Labour Day here in Canberra, so The Strategist team is taking a short break. We’ll be back tomorrow with the usual program of analysis and commentary.

The who, where, and when of secession

This week, Kurds in northern Iraq voted overwhelmingly in favor of independence for the country’s Kurdistan Region. With some 30 million Kurds divided among four states (Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran), nationalists argue that they …

ASPI suggests

The world Saudi women can finally drive. However, on a day that should have been celebratory for feminists driving the campaign (pun intended), the government silenced their voices by demanding that they not  comment on …