Last week, the Industry Capability Network in Australia (ICN) released the second edition of its Northern Territory’s Construction Industry Mapping Report. As the Australian Department of Defence prepares to unleash a wave of construction projects …
The Australian government’s Aviation White Paper—Towards 2050 outlines a vision for the future of civil aviation. While the White Paper represents a significant step forward, particularly in terms of decarbonising the aviation sector and enhancing …
In the Northern Territory, the expansion of defence capabilities is intricately linked to the region’s construction industry. To provide the Australian Department of Defence the infrastructure it needs and wants, it must provide projects to …
The 2024 Defence Fuel Symposium, held in early September in Canberra, highlighted the urgent need for a strategic overhaul of Australia’s fuel security in response to increasing global instability. The rules-based international order that has …
It’s a pity that strategic geography isn’t on the agenda of a leading defence exhibition next week, because Defence and the Australian Army could well use a chance to talk with others about how better …
As Australia expands its critical-minerals industry, it must limit the environmental and social effects of mining and maintain high governance standards. The government should work with the private sector, non-government organisations and human rights advocates …
This week is Australia’s inaugural National Biosecurity Week (NBW). The event serves as a vital reminder of the importance of safeguarding our nation’s unique ecosystems and agricultural industries from harmful pests and diseases, underscoring our …
Defence must improve its social licence in the Northern Territory to operate more effectively and tackle under-utilisation and under-development of local capability. The increase in military investment and activities that is underway in the Territory provides an opportunity to shift the dial beyond …
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has made unprecedented financial and representative commitments to the Northern Territory, including the recent appointment of member of federal parliament Luke Gosling as special envoy for Northern Australia. This signals a …
If Australia and like-minded nations want secure, sustainable critical-minerals supply chains, they must tackle the interrelated challenges of price premiums and global environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards. Australia and its miners are leaders in …
‘Amateurs talk tactics. Professionals talk logistics.’ Whether these words come from General Omar Bradley or General Norman Schwartzkopf (opinions vary), their message is clear. And when it comes to the Australian Army’s huge investment in …
Australia must look to agriculture as a critical part of global engagement and better leverage its agricultural sector to deepen the country’s international relationships. We have a strong agricultural sector and, thanks to the Cairns …