Search Results for "layton"
ASPI suggests

Here’s our usual weekly round-up of the latest articles and reports in strategy, defence and security. Capability China is making great progress in the development of new aircraft. This Diplomat article wonders, now that they’ve …

Show me the money

In the film Jerry Maguire, Tom Cruise’s client Rod Tidwell believes that the only way a team can ever really demonstrate that they value him is to pay him more—leading to the famous ‘show me …

Grand Strategy, Australia and China

As the final post in this series on grand strategy, I’m going to apply the framework developed earlier to one of the day’s biggest challenges (and opportunities)—China’s emergence on the world stage. Ironically, despite the …

Grand Strategy: leaving Afghanistan

The grand strategy framework discussed in previous posts helps structure our thinking but when applying it we need to apply context and judgement in order to produce an actionable plan. The first step is to …

Grand Strategy? Developing resources…

Choosing which grand strategy to use depends on how others can be influenced—however, this is only half of the matter. There is also an internal dimension where the power is developed that the external dimension …

Grand Strategy? Influencing others…

This post is the second on demystifying grand strategy; it looks at how we can influence others. Grand strategy involves interacting with others in a way that will change them to our advantage. Grand strategy …

Grand Strategy? What does that do for me?

Grand strategy is a big idea back in fashion as a useful way to think about and address important issues. But many grand strategic schemes advocated are complicated, incomplete, inappropriate and use arcane terms that …