Cyber wrap

First up this week, a recent global BBC poll has shown that a majority of people believe the Internet has brought both greater freedom and, perversely, increased government surveillance. Conducted in 17 countries around the …

Thinking about submarines

Three presumptions underlie current planning for Australia’s future submarine capability—three ‘musts’. First, the Collins class must be replaced when it reaches its life-of-type. Second, the replacement boats must be built in South Australia. Third, the …

Boats to patrol the Pacific

Calls to fast-track the construction of new patrol boats to replace Navy’s hard-working but troubled Armidales, partly to help forestall the valley of death facing the nation’s naval shipyards, occur amid continuing debate over the …

Globalisation and war

Will globalisation reduce the chances of war in the Asia-Pacific? The numbers say we can’t be sure. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that 2014 is the centenary of the outbreak of …

ASPI suggests

We’re kicking off this week with a suggestion to look at the testimonies of a range of US Asia experts for the US–China Economic and Security Review Commission. Of interest to Strategist readers are testimonies …

Tony Abbott goes north

Tony Abbott’s first trip to North Asia as Prime Minister will have a strong business and trade flavour. He will be accompanied by a phalanx of business heavies and state and territory leaders. The business …

Jokowi and the defence realm

No doubt by now most Australian readers would have heard that the popular Jakarta governor, Joko Widodo, also known as ‘Jokowi’, is the frontrunner for Indonesia’s upcoming presidential election. His meteoric rise from humble furniture …

Stingers, round two?

It would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall at the meeting last Friday between US President Obama and Saudi King Abdullah. With reports emerging that Obama is again considering the possibility …

Cyber wrap

First up, a haiku on the Internet from the New York Times haiku generator: The Internet is // emotionally a very // flat experience. Many Turkish citizens would agree with that sentiment this week as they found …

A new kind of drone war: UCAV vs UCLASS

The Australian government recently approved the acquisition of a fleet of US Navy Triton surveillance drones to patrol our oceans. Australia has mostly used Israeli drones to date, such as the Herons in Afghanistan. So as …

Tribute in US–China cybersecurity relations

‘Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.’  François de La Rochefoucauld Documents leaked by Edward Snowden last week appear to show that the National Security Agency (NSA) has secretly tapped into the networks of …

Changing of the guard

After almost two years as Executive Editor of The Strategist, it’s time for me to hand the reins over to my colleague Rod Lyon. With the team of Natalie Sambhi and Kristy Bryden in place …

ASPI suggests

Yesterday, the UN General Assembly voted on a resolution, proposed by Ukraine and backed by the United States and European Union, to affirm its commitment to Ukraine’s internationally-recognised borders and to dismiss the Crimean referendum …