In the market for a naval shipbuilding plan

In the first week of October, the 2013 Pacific Maritime Congress and Exposition will be held in Sydney’s Darling Harbour. It’ll be a massive event. More than 400 companies from 17 countries will take part …

Same crime: different effect?

Hamish Hansford’s response to my recent post adds to the explanation of the relationship between organised crime and security—his list of effects is a reminder that crime affects security in a number of ways. I’d …

Philippines city besieged

The origins and purposes of the violence in the city of Zamboanga, on the Philippines southern province of Mindanao, are somewhat obscure—but the immediate effects are brutal and apparent. The violence started on September 9 …

Transformation and turbulence in the Middle East

This post coincides with Friday’s release of an ASPI Insight paper by Lydia Khalil entitled Trends in a tumultuous region: Middle East after the Arab Awakening. The Middle East has seen its share of troubles, but this …

Dollars for Defence, or defence for dollars?

In one of his first comments as the Defence Minister in Tony Abbott’s new government, David Johnston said that the ADF needs to be equipped to help safeguard regional sealanes. It’s easy to see this …

ASPI suggests

The capabilities and numbers of Australian submarines are bound to be a major issue for the new Defence Minister. One of the major considerations will be the future of American submarine capabilities. And as far …

Coming soon: AUSMIN on the big screen

At some point towards the end of the year, Prime Minister Tony Abbott will face one of the biggest diplomatic tests of his new administration: his government’s first Australia—United States Ministerial (AUSMIN) meeting. These annual …

France in the Pacific: ambiguity and ambition

Australia’s approach to France in the South Pacific oscillates between fear and forgetfulness. The fear moments have marked some notable points in Australian history. The fear of what the French were up to in the …

Indonesia’s push for peacekeeping operations

Last week, Indonesia’s President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono jumped at the opportunity to offer his country’s finest troops for any UN-backed peacekeeping mission in Syria. It’s part of a growing trend of increased Indonesian involvement in …

China’s new map: just another dash?

China’s new national map re-affirms its historical South China Sea claims and incorporates a tenth ‘dash line’ off Taiwan. It has created a few ripples in Southeast Asia and beyond. Since the tenth dash itself …