Tag Archive for: "ASEAN"
Indo-Pacific: from construct to contest

‘Indo-Pacific’ has shifted from a geographic construct to an arena for mounting contest—and the label for a US strategy. The journey from construct to competition has been short and sharp. At the start of this …

ASEAN peers, picks and pokes at the Indo-Pacific

The term ‘Indo-Pacific’ reflects and frames surging strategic rivalry in the place we call ‘the region’. The Indo-Pacific becomes a controversial label attached to a power contest. As with any construct—political, social, diplomatic, strategic—it’s about …

ASEAN frets about rules and order

Yes to a rules-based system in the Indo-Pacific. But who rules, who writes the rules, and how fares the system? And yes to the reality of a rapidly evolving security order in the Asia–Pacific. But …

Will there be one ASEAN voice on cyber?

ASEAN, the common refrain goes, moves slowly, especially on sensitive issues that touch on sovereignty and security, where the pace of consensus-forming adjusts to fit the comfort level of the most hesitant member state. Nowhere …