As Australia expands its critical-minerals industry, it must limit the environmental and social effects of mining and maintain high governance standards. The government should work with the private sector, non-government organisations and human rights advocates …
Pacific island countries, and low-lying lands globally, are on the front lines of climate change. From rising sea-levels to intensifying cyclone impacts, vulnerable food and economic security, they face a great many risks. Equally, the …
As Australia and the other three Indo-Pacific countries closely associated with NATO assemble in Washington to celebrate the alliance’s 75th anniversary, they should work to advance collaboration with it on climate and security assessments in …
Australia’s Future Gas Strategy poorly reflects northern Australian resource needs and undermines the national interest. It will delay Australia providing for both regional energy and climate security. It is particularly out of step with First …
Climate risks that are interconnected, multiplying and intensifying can cascade across natural and human systems. Tipping points or thresholds—at which a small change can trigger a move from one state to a different state far …