The most substantial changes to gun laws are those made in response to public demand for tighter controls in the aftermath of massacres such as the terrorist killings in Christchurch. But reactive policy, particularly in …
The beat Composition of Northern Irish police force a threat to peace? Journalist Susan McKay writes that a crisis is brewing in the Northern Ireland police force. She argues that impartial policing is central to …
In 2018, jihadism remained the major security concern across Western Europe. At least 10,800 people in Germany and around 20,000 in each of France and the UK were considered radical or potentially dangerous. According to …
In some ways, 2018 was quieter for Australian counterterrorism than the preceding years, as the tempo of arrests slowed. Eight people in Australia were charged with terrorism-related offences, which was fewer than in any year …
This is the preface from ASPI’s Counterterrorism yearbook 2019, which was released today. The publication presents comprehensive analyses of the threat of terrorism in different states and regions, and how governments have responded to that …