India and the US held their inaugural 2+2 dialogue in New Delhi on 6 September. The meeting set the scene for their bilateral ties to reach new heights. The commonalities of their security interests are visible …
The Israeli approach to counterterrorism (CT) is unique because terrorism there is ever-present and takes many forms; it may occur from within Israel, it may take place from Palestinian territories, it may come from across …
The beat Private security service supplements police Residents of Glastonbury in the UK are considering hiring a private security company to help combat rising crime and anti-social behaviour. Equipped with handcuffs and body-worn cameras, security …
The beat Post-Brexit contingency plan leaked A leaked document from the UK’s National Police Coordination Centre has revealed that police are drafting plans to cope with possible riots and an increase in crime in the …
The beat Backflips over 3D-printed guns Defense Distributed, a US-based online organisation, is selling blueprints for 3D-printed guns despite a court injunction banning their online distribution. In July, blueprints were removed from a State Department …