Intelligence and policing AFP and ASIO get funding boost The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation and the Australian Federal Police have received $570 million over five years for counterterrorism and counter-intelligence operations. The AFP will receive …
The Defence budget continues to deliver as expected. As forecast last year, there will be a modest increase in 2019–20 of around 1.2% in real terms, to $38,742 million (including both the Department of Defence …
With the Australian federal election likely to be called in about a fortnight—the weekend after the 2 April budget—behind the scenes the Labor Party is ‘measuring the curtains’ of government. Any sign of hubris must be …
This essay is from ASPI’s election special, Agenda for change 2019: Strategic choices for the next government, released today. The report contains 30 short essays by leading thinkers covering key strategic, defence and security challenges, …
Another Zimbabwean election, another Zanu-PF victory, another cry of ‘foul’. And another pile of bodies. The more things change, the more they stay the same in the southern African nation. Or so it seems. As …