The week of Donald Trump’s return to the White House may seem like an odd time to emphasise the growing strength and agency of non-Western middle powers such as India, Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa, Nigeria, …
What does it mean to win? Instinctively, this seems like a straightforward question that should have a correspondingly straightforward answer. But when it comes to developing a national edge or strategic advantage, concepts such as …
As the world contends with Covid-19, Indonesia and Australia have an opportunity to establish deeper ties and cooperation on matters of mutual concern. The secondary states of Asia—Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea—have become exemplars for …
In a recent speech, a former colleague observed that our strategic environment was more uncertain than at any time since 1945. The uncertainties included the United States’ approach to its global role, the more so …
With a relatively small amount of media coverage, foreign ministers of five nations—Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and Australia—met in New York last week for the sixth MIKTA ministerial meeting. The meeting resulted in a …